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The Clot Thickens


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The Clot Thickens Mobile

Infect your way through each level of this 2D arcade mobile game in order to take over every pathetic host, and reign supreme as the greatest living microscopic, single-celled bacterium in the universe! Majestically leap from cell to cell, encircling each with your microbial poison. But watch out for your deadly arch nemeses - the antibodies and antibiotics. One touch, and you will be anti-alive. Now grab your phones and tablets, load the app, don’t wash those hands, and be the bacteria we know you can be!


Android and iOS apps to be released early 2019.

Game created with Unity3D and C# Scripting.

December, 2018 - Ongoing

The Clot Thickens: Level Designer

We proudly released a Web Level Designer for the Clot Thickens Game. Players can create their own levels, share them with their friends or even send them us, for a chance to see them in the final mobile game.


Check out the level designer at:


Game created with WebGL, Unity3D and C# Scripting.

June, 2018 - December, 2018

Lure: Opposites Attract

Lure is a 3D puzzle platformer where you control a magnetic cube, Hila. She is on a quest to find her one true love, her polar half, who was separated from her by an evil magnet. You navigate her through a world of still and moving magnetic platforms and obstacles.


Game created using Unity3D and C# Scripting.

September, 2016 - Ongoing

The Cave VR

The Cave aims to make the users aware of the psychological impacts that feelings such as pressure, uncertainty and fear can have on their own decision-making process. Basing on Freud’s tripartite theory of the psyche, we represent its main concepts, the Id and the Super-ego, as voices played inside the player’s head and with that we aim to convey the roles of these parts in the human psyche.


Game created using HTC Vive, Unity3D, VRToolKit and C# Scripting.

June, 2017

Gender Vectors
Gender Vectors

Gender Vectors is a 3D First Person experiential game that focuses on the intersectional oppression in the T/GN community. The game aims to provide supportive resources that aid young people who are dealing with this issue.


Technologies: Unity 3D; C# Scripting; Git; Unity Cloud Build.

September, 2016

Night After Night

Night After Night offers a fresh take on the zombie defense genre. In it, players are challenged with raising a daughter in a zombie infested post-apocalyptic world. To survive, they’ll need to spend their daylight hours carefully balancing their many needs, for at night, the zombies awaken.

Technologies: Unity 3D; C# Scripting; Git; Maya.

April, 2017

Cache 22

‘Cache 22’ is an interactive non-linear narrative set in the retro-futuristic noir universe of the Undercity. You are Nina , an undercover agent for the OCID (Organized Crime Intelligence Division), on a mission to gather further intelligence by going through the memories of Orion , the leader of a gang known as NOVA . You may just find some dark and familiar truths within...

Technologies: Unity 3D; C# Scripting; Git.


April, 2017

Planet Generator
Planet Generator

The Planet Generator allows you to create and customize your own planet, while teaching you what is needed to create a planet capable to bear life. The project was exposed in a museum exhibition in the Centre for Digital Media.


Application created using Unity3D, C# Scripting and Substance.

December, 2016

Dah Mansion

The physical dimension meets the spiritual dimension in Dah Mansion, a quirky 2 player game. Play either as Ralph, a man trying to escape dah mansion by unlocking doors, or as Candice, a ghost whose sole intent is to kill Ralph by unleashing animated books! Candice can animate books to hunt down Ralph, or possess Ralph to hasten his demise. Since darkened rooms generate spiritual energy that empowers Candice’s paranormal abilities, Ralph must continually relight candles or face a swift end!

Technologies: Unity 3D; C# Scripting; Git; Photoshop.

February, 2017

Until the Light Takes Us

At the centre of a the void is an unknown energy, beaming waves of light. The energy source has a switch. Could you please turn it off? Until The Light Takes Us is a game about death. More specifically, the futile attempts we make to escape the inevitable light that takes us all.

Technologies: Unity 3D; C# Scripting; Git; Photoshop.

January 2017

VR Soccer

VRSoccer is a virtual reality soccer game in which the players can interact with a virtual ball without using controllers. The soccer field and the ball are projected on the ground and a camera attached to the projector captures the players' movements. These images are then processed to simulate the interactions with the virtual ball.


Game created with Unity3D and OpenCV.


Sample code: File1 File2

September, 2015

HP ePrint Enterprise
HP ePrint Enterprise for iOS

The HP ePrint Enterprise app is part of the HP ePrint Enterprise solution for secure corporate mobile printing, which is a private cloud-based solution for corporate network printing that supports all your network printers with a secure experience. HP ePrint Enterprise application also allows you to print to HP’s network of over 30,000 Public Print Locations like FedEx Office, The UPS Store, and Swiss Post.


The apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry consume web services in form of REST API. I was part of geographically dispersed teams (Brazil, US and India) running Agile process (Scrum), working on the iOS application design, coding and testing.

Technologies: XCode, Objective-C/Swift, UI Framework, Coredata, Multithread, Storyboard/XIB, REST API, Jenkins, SVN/Git.

October, 2013 - October, 2015

A Procedural Approach to Model Groups of Virtual Agents

Simulation of everyday situations from real life can be a very useful tool in entertainment applications and training systems. Such applications, as games or computer animated movies usually need to provide virtual environments populated with virtual autonomous agents. Commonly, the agents need to be able to evolve in their environment, avoiding collision with each other and obstacles, besides interacting with other characters in order to provide realistic simulations. We present a model to simulate coherent group behaviors based on procedural modeling and semantic environments. Our main focus is virtual environments



and agents, present in the background of games or movies generated with few/without user intervention.


Technologies: C++; OpenGL; Microsoft Visual Studio.



Master Thesis: 

ACM Digital Library: Link

Sample code: File1 File2

September 2012

CrowdVis : A Framework For Real Time Crowd Visualization

Crowd visualization is present mostly in digital games and computer animated movies, but are also observed in simulations and virtual reality applications. In crowd simulations we should represent the behavior of agents given different scenarios, and also, such simulations can be provided by different softwares and tools. This paper presents a framework for real time crowd visualization, that no programming knowledge and modeling skills are required from the users. Our main goal is to be able to visualize previously created crowd simulations in real time, combining rendering techniques and providing easy support for

managing the scene and the virtual humans.


ACM Digital Library: Link

March, 2013

VhCVE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment Including Facial Animation and Computer Vision

In this paper we present a platform called VhCVE, in which relevant issues related to Collaborative Virtual Environments applications are integrated. The main goal is to provide a framework where participants can interact with others by voice and chat. Also, manipulation tools such as a mouse using Computer Vision and Physics are included, as well as rendering techniques (e.g. light sources, shadows and weather effects). In addition, avatar animation in terms of face and body motion is provided. Results indicate that our platform can be used as an

interactive virtual world to help communication among people.


ACM Digital Library: Link

October, 2009

Evaluation of the Uncanny Valley in CG Characters

This article revisits the uncanny valley subject in order to evaluate its effects on people’s perception of Computed Graphics (CG) characters from movies and games. We analyzed the ”uncanny” rates given by the users and as result we obtained a graph quite similar to the original on proposed by Mori.


Springer: Link

October, 2012

EyeLab: A Tool for Eyetracking

In my undergraduate final project I developed a program called EyeLab that uses computer vision in order to assist the diagnosis of ADHD in children based on their eyes’ movement.


Technologies: C++; OpenCV; OpenGL; Qt Toolkit; Microsoft Visual Studio.


Sample code: File

January, 2011

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